Performance Outcomes BPPM

The determination of BPPM’s performance targets is based on the Performance Agreement between the Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences UB and the Rector. In 2022, Faculty of Health Sciences UB was tasked with completing 20 research projects and 16 community service activities funded by the faculty. Additionally, 10 research projects and 10 community service activities were funded by the university, and 7 research projects and 1 community service activity were funded by external entities outside the university. Despite achieving all the targets, the goal for community service activities funded by the university was not met. This failure can be attributed to a lack of understanding of the procedures for writing community service project proposals in accordance with the LPPM scheme, resulting in none of the submitted proposals receiving funding approval (Figure 1).

In 2023, Faculty of Health Sciences UB had set a target to complete 28 research projects and 19 community service activities funded by the faculty. Additionally, there were targets for 11 research projects and 1 community service activity funded by the university, as well as 3 research projects and 1 community service activity funded by external entities outside the university. All targets for the year 2023 were successfully exceeded. This success can be attributed to the implementation of various programs by BPPM Faculty of Health Sciences UB (Figure 1).

Target dan Capaian Kinerja BPPM Tahun 2023

Figure 1. Targets and Achievements of BPPM for the Year 2022-2023.

The research and community service activities mentioned above have yielded various outputs. The outputs managed by BPPM Faculty of Health Sciences UB include research outputs funded by the faculty and community service outputs funded by the faculty. The distribution of achievements from research grant outputs of PNBP Faculty of Health Sciences UB in 2022 is presented in Figure 2. Out of the 21 funded research proposals, the following achievements were obtained: 2 articles published in Scopus Q2 international journals, 1 article published in Scopus Q4 international journal, 1 article published in an international journal, 6 articles published in Sinta 2 journals, 1 article published in Sinta 4 journal, 9 articles in scientific journals, dissemination of research results in 8 international seminar presentations, 3 modules, 2 prototypes, 4 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) comprising 3 copyrights and 1 patent, and 1 new MoU/MoA document. The prototypes produced include a smartphone application and a cold compress made from cassava flour and nutmeg, which have been perfected. All research funded by PNBP Faculty of Health Sciences UB in 2022 has been integrated into education (coursework).

Capaian Luaran Penelitian Hibah PNBP FIKES UB Tahun 2022

Figure 2. Achievements of Research Outputs from the PNBP Grant at Faculty of Health Sciences UB UB in 2022.

Achievements of Community Service Grant Outputs from PNBP Funding at Faculty of Health Sciences UB in 2022 include 3 publications in Sinta 3 journals, 1 publication in Sinta 4 journal, 1 publication in Sinta 5 journal, 6 publications in community service journals, 8 pending publications in community service journals, 7 modules/pocket books/booklets, 3 videos, 10 Copyrights, and 1 dissemination of community service results in a national seminar. All community service outcomes have been integrated into education (coursework) (Figure 3).

Capian Luaran Pengabdian Masyarakat Hibag PNBP FIKES UB Tahun 2022

Figure 3. Achievements of Community Service Outputs from PNBP Grant at Faculty of Health Sciences UB in 2022,

In addition, BPPM Faculty of Health Sciences UB has established an exhibition space named “Idea Corner” to showcase the results of research and community service projects (Figure 4). The Idea Corner concept was initiated to strengthen the image of Faculty of Health Sciences UB’s products and, simultaneously, enhance the research atmosphere among the academic community. Within the Idea Corner, various works involving contributions from faculty members and students are exhibited, including:

  1. Edudara
  2. Rekasku
  3. Smartwatch Big Data Keswa Infographic
  4. Bowell
  5. Formulasi Deteksi Kandungan Babi pada Makanan
  6. Herb-Inhaller for Relaxation
  7. The Cymbopogon citaratus (DC.) Stapf-Based Liquid Vapor Formula
  8. Samchong Compress
  9. Stress Relief Patch
  10. De-Teko
  11. B-Dot Card
  12. My Lupus

Figure 4. Idea Corner of BPPM FIKES UB, located in the main lobby of Building B at FIKES UB, aimed at enhancing the atmosphere of research and community service.