Nursing Laboratory
The Nursing Laboratory has the task of carrying out research program services, community service, and to support the teaching and learning process in the Nursing Undergraduate Study Program, Nursing Professional Study Program, and Nursing Master Study Program. The Nursing Department of FIKES UB has a Nursing Laboratory in accordance with the scientific field.
Head of Nursing Laboratory
Dr. Ns. Fransiska Imavike Fevriasanty, S.Kep
Educational Laboratory Technician
Andres Yudianto Dwi Iskandar
Educational Laboratory Technician
Ns. Andika Fushigi, S.Kep
Educational Laboratory Technician
Ns. Putri Ragil Kusumawardani, S.Kep., M.Kep
![7. Lab Gadar](
![8. Lab Kep. Kritis](
![16. Lab Kep. Dasar](
![17. Lab KMB](
![55. Lab edukasi chronic care](
![29. Lab. Manajemen](
![23. Lab Maternitas](
![38. Lab Anak](
![44. Lab Jiwa](
![48. Lab Komunitas & Gerontik](
- Emergency Laboratory
- Critical Care Laboratory
- Basic Nursing Laboratory
- Medical-Surgical Nursing Laboratory
- Chronnic Care Education Laboratory
- Management Laboratory
- Maternity Laboratory
- Pediatric Nursing Laboratory
- Mental Health Nursing Laboratory
- Community & Gerontic Laboratory
Q & A
Those of you who want to apply for a Loan Room / Lab Equipment. Nursing can directly contact Ns. Andika Fushigi, S.Kep at FIKES Building third floor and related to the flow of the mechanism for borrowing the Lab room. Nursing can be read through the Download menu “Nursing Lab Loan SOP”.
During working hours on Monday to Thursday at: 07.30 – 16.00 WIB (Break 12.00-13.00) and Friday at: 07.30 – 16.30 WIB (Break 11.30-13.00)