Student Service
The development of students as the potential future high-quality human resources of Indonesia relies on their acquisition of both hard and soft skills, which will support their success in the years to come. The institutionalization of student affairs plays a critical role in nurturing student growth and achievement. Beyond purely academic assessments, a student’s success is also evaluated in a professional context, considering their involvement in activities that enhance academic pursuits, encompassing both co-curricular and extracurricular aspects.
Creating an environment conducive to fostering ingenious ideas, boosting creativity, and enhancing communication skills necessitates collaborative efforts among students, educators, and educational staff. Aligned with the core responsibilities and functions of student affairs, the Faculty of Health Sciences offers a range of student services, including:
- Reasoning and Creativity Development Services
- Talent and Interest Development Services
- Soft Skill Development Services
- Scholarship Services
- Counseling Guidance Services
- Health Services
- Ethic Services
- Career Development Services
- Entrepreneurship Development Services