Structure of The Organization
1 | Prof. Dian Handayani, S.Km, M.Kes, Ph.D | Dekan FIKES | 197404022003122002 |
2 | Prof. Dr. Titin Andri Wihastuti, S.Kp, M.Kes | Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik | 197702262003122001 |
3 | Dr. Asti Melani Astari, S.Kp, M.Kep, Sp.Mat | Wakil Dekan Bidang Umum, Keuangan dan Sumber Daya | 197705262002122002 |
4 | Inggita Kusumastuty, S.Gz, M.Biomed | Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Alumni, dan Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa | 198204022006042001 |
5 | Dr. Ahsan, S.Kp, M.Kes | Ketua Senat Akademik Fakultas | 196408141984011001 |
6 | Yudi Arimba Wani, S.Km, M.Ph | Sekretaris Senat Akademik Fakultas | 2012088101112001 |
7 | Dr. Kumboyono, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp.Kom | Ketua Departemen Keperawatan | 197502222001121005 |
8 | Dr. Yulian Wiji Utami, S.Kp, M.Kes | Sekretaris Departemen Keperawatan | 197707222002122002 |
9 | Dr. Kuswantoro Rusca Putra, S.Kp, M.Kep | Ketua Program Studi Magister Keperawatan | 197905222005021005 |
10 | Ns. Suryanto, S.Kep, M.Nurs, Ph.D | Ketua Program Studi Profesi Ners | 198011152008121001 |
11 | Dr. Yati Sri Hayati, S.Kp, M.Kes | Ketua Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Keperawatan | 197710052002122002 |
12 | Dr. Nurul Muslihah, S.P., M.Kes | Ketua Departemen Gizi | 197401262008012002 |
13 | Titis Sari Kusuma, S.Gz, M.P | Sekretaris Departemen Gizi | 198007022006042001 |
14 | Dr. Nia Novita Wirawan, Stp, M.Sc | Ketua Program Studi Magister Ilmu Gizi | 197611172008012009 |
15 | Yosfi Rahmi, S.Gz, M.Sc | Ketua Program Studi Dietisien | 197912032006042002 |
16 | Catur Saptaning Wilujeng, S.Gz, M.Ph | Ketua Program Studi Sarjana Gizi | 2009088407122001 |
17 | Dr. Ns. Retno Lestari, S.Kep, M.Nurs | Ketua BPJ | 198009142005022001 |
18 | Widya Rahmawati, S.Gz, M.Gizi, Ph.D | Kepala PSIK FIKES | 198004232008122002 |
19 | Ns. Elvira Sari Dewi, S.Kep, M.Biomed | Ketua BPPM FIKES | 2016079103052001 |
20 | Dr. Ns. Fransiska Imavike Fevriasanty, S.Kep, M.Nurs | Kepala Laboratorium Keterampilan Keperawatan | 197902242006042001 |
21 | Dr. Ns. Heri Kristianto, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.M.B | Ketua KEPK | 198211262008121001 |
22 | Dr. Ns. Heni Dwi Windarwati, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp.Kepj | Ketua GJM | 198002262005012002 |
23 | Adelya Desi Kurniawati, Stp, Mp, M.Sc | Ketua Unit Jaminan Mutu Gizi | 2016078712272001 |
24 | Ns. Muhammad Sunarto, S.Kep, M.Kep, Kep.J | Ketua ULTKSP (UNIT LAYANAN TERPADU KEKERASAN SEKSUAL DAN PERUNDUNGAN) | 197111201993031002 |
25 | Ns. Ahmad Hasyim Wibisono, S.Kep, M.Kep, M.Ng | Ketua BPK FIKES | 2013038607011001 |
26 | Ns. Evi Harwiati Ningrum, S.Kep, Mhsm | Ketua IRO FIKES | 2013018704212001 |
27 | Dr. Irma Sarita Rahmawati, S.Tp, M.P | Kepala Laboratorium Dietetik dan Kulinari & Koordinator Kompartemen Penyelenggaraan Makanan | 198609162019032010 |
28 | Annisa Rizky Maulidiana, S.Gz, M.Sc | Ketua Kompartemen Gizi Masyarakat | 199009282019032018 |
29 | Eva Putri Arfiani, S.Gz, M.Ph | Ketua Kompartemen Gizi Institusi | 198809222019032014 |
30 | Leny Budhi Harti, S.Gz, M.Si.Med | Ketua Kompartemen Gizi Klinik | 198610262020122006 |
31 | Ns. Shila Wisnasari, S.Kep, M.Biomed | Ketua Kompartemen Keperawatan Dasar | 2017018908282001 |
32 | Dr. Ns. Dina Dewi Sartika Lestari Ismail, S.Kep, M.Kep | Ketua Kompartemen Keperawatan Medikal Surgikal | 198002172005012002 |
33 | Ns. Sholihatul Amaliya, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.An | Ketua Kompartemen Keperawatan Anak | 2013018711142001 |
34 | Ns. Renny Nova, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.J | Ketua Kompartemen Keperawatan Jiwa | 2013018811102001 |
35 | Ns. Annisa Wuri Kartika, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom. | Ketua Kompartemen Keperawatan Komunitas / Ketua Unit Jaminan Mutu Keperawatan | 2014058503052001 |
36 | Ns. Ikhda Ulya, S.Kep, M.Kep | Ketua Kompartemen Keperawatan Gawat Darurat | 2012088505172001 |
37 | Ns. Ayut Merdikawati, S.Kep, M.Kep | Sekretaris KEPK & Ketua Kompartemen Keperawatan Maternitas | 2013018708012001 |
38 | Ns. Ike Nesdia Rahmawati, S.Kep, M.Kep | Ketua Kompartemen Manajemen Keperawatan | 2016098806052001 |
39 | Agustina Salama, S.Sos., Mm | Kepala Bagian Tata Usaha | 197002031993032002 |
40 | Sri Wahyuni, Sab | Kasubbag. Umum, Keuangan, Aset dan Kepegawaian | 197902062009102001 |
41 | Yuyun Nurdina Kurniawati, A.Md | Kasubbag. Akademik, Kemahasiswaan, Alumni dan Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa | 197607192009101002 |
The roles and functions aimed at achieving the goals of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Universitas Brawijaya are as follows:
The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs is responsible for supporting the Dean in overseeing education, research, community service, and collaboration.
The Vice Dean for General Affairs, Finance, and Resources provides assistance to the Dean to oversee planning, finance, general administration, information systems, and resources.
The Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Student Entrepreneurship assists the Dean in leading activities related to student affairs, alumni, and student entrepreneurship.
Academic Senate Forum (SAF) serves as a forum to offer input in shaping and supervising academic policies within FHS.
To execute SAF’s authority in maintaining academic ethics and integrity within the FHS community, SAF established the FHS Ethics Commission. The FHS Ethics Commission is responsible for:
- Investigating reports of alleged violations of the Code of Ethics by FHS academic members.
- Conducting hearings on alleged violations of the code of ethics.
- Providing recommendations to the Dean through the SAF Chair regarding code of ethics violations.
The Administration Division is responsible for managing planning, finance, academic affairs, student affairs, human resources, administration, cooperation, household management, UB-owned or state-owned property, and reporting within FHS. The Administration Division in FHS consists of:
- Subdivision of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Alumni, Cooperation, and Student Entrepreneurship.
- The Academic, Student Affairs, Alumni, Cooperation, and Student Entrepreneurship Subdivision is responsible for handling education, research, community service, student affairs, alumni relations, cooperation, entrepreneurship, data management, evaluation, and reports at FHS.
- Subdivision of General Affairs, Assets, Finance, and Human Resources.
- The General, Assets, Finance, and Human Resources Subdivision is responsible for administrative, household, and UB-owned property management affairs, as well as planning, financial, administrative, and personnel.
Research and Community Service Bureau (BPPM) coordinates, implements, monitors, and evaluates research, community service, and collaboration activities within FHS. BPPM functions include:
- Enhancing the quality and quantity of research, scientific work, community service, and national and international collaborations.
- Developing plans, programs, and budgets for BPPM.
- Implementing research, community service, and collaboration activities within FHS.
- Coordinating the execution of research, community service, and collaboration activities.
- Publishing the results of research, community service, and collaboration.
- Collaborating in research and community service with universities and institutions both domestically and internationally.
- Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of research, community service, and collaboration activities, and
- Providing periodic reports to the Dean.
Information System and Public Relations Division (PSIK) manages the information technology infrastructure system within FHS. PSIK functions include:
- Implementing publications and public relations functions.
- Handling data collection and information systems.
- Managing FHS’ information technology and communication infrastructure.
- Addressing complaints.
Journal Publication Body (BPJ) is responsible for publishing journals and academic works of the lecturers and students. BPJ functions include:
- Organizing education and training in scientific publications.
- Collecting and selecting academic works of lecturers and students for publication.
- Periodically publishing academic works of lecturers and students in the form of journals and other publications.
- Offering recommendations and information to lecturers regarding other publication forms.
- Conducting training on publishing innovations and research results.
- Providing periodic reports to the Dean.
BPJ covers:
Journal of Nursing Science (JIK).
Caring Journal
Indonesian Journal of Human Nutrition (IJHN)
Academic Quality Assurance Bureau (GJM) supports the Dean in implementing academic quality assurance at the faculty level. GJM functions include:
- Translating the quality standards in education into academic quality documents at FHS.
- Monitoring the implementation of academic quality assurance at FHS.
- Evaluating academic quality assurance at FHS.
- Periodically reporting on the implementation of academic quality assurance to the Dean.
Academic Quality Assurance Bureau at the Department Level (UJM) assists the Dean in implementing academic quality assurance at the department level. UJM functions include:
- Translating quality standards in education into academic quality documents at the department level.
- Monitoring the implementation of academic quality assurance at the department level.
- Evaluating academic quality assurance at the department level.
- Providing periodic reports on the implementation of academic quality assurance to the Department Chair.
International Relations Office (IRO) supports the Dean in managing international relations. IRO functions include:
- Planning international relations with foreign students and foreign entities.
- Implementing international relations with foreign students and foreign entities.
- Evaluating international relations with foreign students and foreign entities.
- Providing reports on international relations with foreign students and foreign entities.
Entrepreneurship Development Bureau (BPK) is responsible for supporting the implementation and optimizing the acquisition of funding sources for FHS UB, primarily non-PNBP (Non-Tax State Revenue). The functions of BPK encompass:
- Commercializing technology resulting from academic community research.
- generating new entrepreneurs.
- Enhancing the image of FHS.
- Facilitating business incubation and technology commercialization.
Ethical Research and Community Service Committee (KEPK) is assigned the following duties:
- Reviewing, deliberating, and considering the research protocols involving human and/or animal subjects submitted for ethical assessment.
- Assessing research feasibility from an ethical perspective.
- Monitoring serious adverse events (SAEs) or unforeseen incidents and making suitable response recommendations.
- Safeguarding the confidentiality of KEPK documents and meeting records.
- Disclosing conflicts of interest.
- Actively engaging in research ethics training and awareness activities.
- Assessing the ethical suitability of community service activities conducted in a research format.
- Reporting on all activities conducted by KEPK and being accountable to the Dean.
- Health Education Development Bureau (BPPK) is responsible for planning, reviewing, and developing the curriculum, as well as conducting internal monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum, the teaching and learning process, instructional skills of the lecturers, and academic infrastructure in the health sector. BPPK functions encompass:
- Planning, reviewing, and developing curriculum
- Internal monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum, teaching and learning processes, lecturers’ instructional skills, and academic infrastructure.
Integrated Services Center for Sexual Violence and Bullying (ULTKSP) is tasked with aiding the Dean in preventing and providing comprehensive services to victims of sexual violence and/or bullying. In fulfilling its responsibilities as stated in paragraph (1), ULTKSP places a high priority on gender equality, the best interests of victims, and the consequences of sexual violence and bullying.