Human Resources

Lecturers and Educational Support Staff

In accordance with the regulations issued by BAN-PT (National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education), permanent lecturers are lecturers appointed and placed as permanent staff at the respective universities. Permanent lecturers are those who work full-time, hold the status of permanent educators at specific higher education institutions, and are recognized by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti) through the issuance of a National Lecturer Identification Number (NIDN). At FHS UB, permanent lecturers are divided into two categories:

  • Civil Servants (CPNS/PNS) who work in State Universities.
  • Non-Civil Servant Permanent Lecturers who are appointed in State Universities in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 84 Year 2013.

Educational Support Staff, which includes academic staff, personnel and financial staff, general affairs staff, librarians, and laboratory assistants, play an essential role in facilitating the implementation of activities at FHS UB. The ratio between lecturers and administrative staff is balanced. Each educational support staff member has responsibilities, roles, and functions in accordance with their expertise, as outlined in quality manuals, organizational structure documents (SOTK), and dean of FHS UB regulations. The majority of educational support staff hold bachelor’s degrees with qualifications that match the academic and management needs of FHS UB. To support all activities, FHS UB utilizes information systems such as SIAKAD, SIAMKEU, SIADO, Nodin, sireka, and more.

All educational support staff at FHS UB are committed to providing excellent services and efficient performance. FHS UB actively supports the enhancement of the competencies of educational support staff by offering opportunities to participate in training programs related to their respective fields of service.


Data on the number of lecturers in FIKES UB


Currently, 75 permanent lecturers are registered at the Faculty of Health Sciences. These lecturers are divided into two departments: the Department of Nursing and the Department of Nutrition.


At present, there are 33 educational support staff members with various employment statuses, including civil servants (PNS), non-civil servants, contract employees appointed by the Rector, and contract employees appointed by the Head of the Education and Training Center (PPK).