Internal and External Quality Audits

The Internal Quality Audit (AIM) is a form of commitment from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, to continuous quality improvement. At the national level, government regulations (especially through the accreditation mechanism) have increased the requirements for internal audit implementation in higher education. From initially just existing, currently internal audit activities must be able to fulfill the PPEPP cycle.

Since the issuance of LAM-PTKes Regulation Number 003/PP/02.2021 concerning Procedures for the post-accreditation surveillance process for health study programs, AIM activities have been useful in conducting early warning of UPPS and PS readiness in achieving the main performance indicators for LAM-PT accreditation. In addition, audits are also useful in monitoring the evaluation of the implementation of the internal quality assurance system, the achievement of the ministry’s main performance indicators, additional performance indicators in accordance with the risk-based quality standards of Universitas Brawijaya.

AIM activities are carried out periodically as an annual performance evaluation (internally), as well as to fulfill PS and PT accreditation requirements (externally). In addition, the purpose of AIM is to ensure that the internal quality assurance system (SPMI) exceeds the standards/regulations, ensure the implementation of SPMI in accordance with the standards/goals/objectives, evaluate the effectiveness of SPMI implementation, identify opportunities for SPMI improvement, as an early warning for the Faculty. Thus, this routine AIM activity is expected to motivate performance, evaluate performance, help auditees prepare for accreditation and also foster a culture of sustainable quality.