Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance is a systematic and integrated endeavor aimed at continuously enhancing the quality of Higher Education. The higher education quality assurance cycle involves the establishment, implementation, evaluation, control, and enhancement of standards for the Tri Dharma activities in alignment with the mandate.

The National Standards for Higher Education, as outlined in PERMENDIKBUD No. 3 Year 2020, and quality standards of Universitas Brawijaya encompass the following standard units:

  1. National Education Standards.
  2. National Research Standards.
  3. National Community Service Standards.
  4. Collaboration Standards.

The Primary Responsibilities and Functions of Each Entity are Outlined As Follows:

The Quality Assurance Bureau (GJM)

The Quality Assurance Bureau (GJM) has the following functions:

  • Elaborating the education quality standards into academic quality documents within FHS.
  • Supervising the implementation of academic quality assurance in FHS.
  • Evaluating academic quality assurance in FHS.
  • Periodically reporting on the implementation of academic quality assurance to the Dean.
UJM Nursing

The Quality Assurance Unit (UJM) of the Department of Nursing is under the coordination of the Quality Assurance Group of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya based on the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences No. 30 of 2022 concerning the Appointment of the UJM Organization Personnel of the Department of Nursing for the period 2022-2027.
UJM Department of Nursing has the task of assisting the Dean in implementing academic quality assurance at the Department level.
UJM has functions:
a. translate educational quality standards into academic quality documents in the Department;
b. monitoring the implementation of academic quality assurance in the Department;
c. evaluating academic quality assurance in the Department; and
d. submit reports on the implementation of academic quality assurance in the Department periodically to the Head of the Department.

UJM Nutrition

The Quality Assurance Unit (UJM) of the Department of Nutrition is under the coordination of the Quality Assurance Group of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya based on the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences No. 6 of 2022 concerning the Appointment of Personnel of the UJM Organization of the Department of Nutrition for the period 2022-2027.
UJM Department of Nutrition has the task of assisting the Dean in implementing academic quality assurance at the Department level.
UJM has functions:
a. translate educational quality standards into academic quality documents in the Department;
b. monitoring the implementation of academic quality assurance in the Department;
c. evaluating academic quality assurance in the Department; and
d. submit reports on the implementation of academic quality assurance in the Department periodically to the Head of the Department.