Student Graduate Data​

Bachelor of Nursing Science

The number of Bachelor of Nursing Science graduates has fluctuated over the past five years. In 2018, the department graduated 161 students, but there was a significant decrease in 2019 with only 87 graduates. However, the number of graduates increased in 2020, reaching a peak of 189 graduates. Unfortunately, this upward trend was short-lived, and there was another decrease in 2021 with only 74 graduates. Nevertheless, in 2022, the department managed to increase the number of graduates to 100.

Bachelor of Nutrition Science

The Bachelor of Nutrition Science department has consistently produced high-quality graduates over the past five years. In 2019, the number of graduates reached 128, making it the year with the highest number of graduates in the last five years. However, there was a decline in the number of graduates in 2021, with only 81 graduates. Nevertheless, the department improved this trend in 2022 by graduating 122 students. Overall, the Bachelor of Nutrition Science department can be relied upon to prepare its graduates for success in this field.

Nursing Profession

The Nursing Profession has become a promising career choice for many individuals. This department has produced competent and high-quality graduates over the past five years. In 2018 and 2019, the number of graduates remained stable at 149 per year. However, in 2020, there was a significant decrease in the number of graduates, with only 89 individuals completing the program. Nevertheless, the department managed to improve this trend in 2021 and 2022, producing 104 and 141 graduates, respectively. Overall, the Nursing Profession continues to demonstrate potential and promising career opportunities for prospective students interested in joining this field.

Dietitian Profession

The Dietitian Profession department is one of the departments that produces highly needed graduates in the healthcare field. However, over the past five years, this department has experienced fluctuations in the number of graduates. In 2018 and 2019, the Dietitian department produced 13 and 19 graduates, respectively. The trend of increasing number of graduates continued in 2020, with 21 graduates. However, in 2021, the department did not have any graduates. Nevertheless, the Dietitian department made a comeback in 2022 by successfully producing 45 graduates, showing positive signs of recovery. It is hoped that this department will continue to grow and produce high-quality graduates in the future.

Master of Nursing Science

The Master of Nursing department has continued to produce competent and high-quality graduates over the past five years. In 2018 and 2019, the department produced 61 and 53 graduates, respectively, indicating a relatively stable number of graduates. However, in 2020 and 2021, the number of graduates decreased, with only 45 and 44 graduates, respectively. Nevertheless, the department maintained this trend in 2022 by producing 45 graduates. Overall, the Master of Nursing department can be relied upon to prepare its graduates for success in this field and meet the needs of experts in various healthcare institutions.