Student Organizations

The student organizations at FHS UB comprise:

1. Student Executive Board (BEM)
2. Student Representative Council (DPM)
3. Semi-Autonomous Bodies (LSO)

    1. Emergency Response Team (ERT)
    2. Islamic Health Science student Committee (IHSC)
    3. Research and Empowerment Association of Health Student (REACH)

4. Special Bodies (BK)

    1. Brawijaya Nursing Students Association (HIMKAJAYA)
    2. Health Nutrition Student Organization (ORMAGIKA)

The student peer organization at FHS UB was officially established in 2023 through the issuance of Dean’s Decree Number 12 Year 2023, outlining the appointment of Student Peer Organization Officials for the 2023-2024 term.

The organizational structure for this term is as follows: