Celebrate UB’s 61st Anniversary! Join Poster, Presentation, TikTok, and YouTube Competitions with Certificates and Cash Prizes!

Hello UB residents, this time we want to give information about competition activities to enliven the 61st UB Anniversary.

Submission of works for poster and presentation competitions is extended until December 4, 2023, while the deadline for TikTok and YouTube competitions is December 15, 2023.

There are rewards in the form of certificates and cash for the winners!

Let’s make it happen 🎉🎊

For those who are interested in participating, you can check the complete guidelines here:
Competition Guidelines: https://s.ub.ac.id/RisetInovasi
WA Group for Innovation Research Poster & Presentation Competition: https://bit.ly/WArisetinovasi
WA Group for Mental Health Video Competition: https://bit.ly/WAvideoKesehatanMental
Poster Competition Registration: https://s.ub.ac.id/DaftarLombaPoster
Registration for 3-minute Presentation Competition: https://s.ub.ac.id/DaftarLombaPresentasi
Mental Health TikTok Competition Registration: https://s.ub.ac.id/TiktokKesehatanMental
Mental Health YouTube Competition Registration: https://s.ub.ac.id/YoutubeKesehatanMental
Originality Statement Template: https://s.ub.ac.id/OrisinalitasKarya

Let’s enliven!!