“There is no health without mental health. People with chronic diseases also have the right to be productive and happy, including people with Diabetes Mellitus. Let’s Manage Stress!”. This is the slogan carried out in the 1000 Village Strategic Community Service in an activity entitled Stress Management Education & Training for Diabetes Mellitus Patients with resource persons from Nursing Lecturers, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Dr. Ns. Heri Kristianto, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB and Ns. Renny Nova, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J, in collaboration with a team of lecturers from various faculties and Students Building 1000 Villages in Mojorayung Village, Madiun Regency and involving cadres, health workers and village officials. This partnership to achieve a common goal mainstreamed Sustainable Development Goals pillar 17.

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that burdens sufferers and their families, reducing their quality of life. It is hoped that with education and training, people with Diabetes Mellitus can manage stress to improve their health and well-being. This community service activity is in line with the theme of Students Building 1000 Villages, namely Increasing Community Role in Chronic Disease Control to Achieve Healthy and Prosperous Life and plays a role in supporting Sustainable Development Goals pillar 3, namely ensuring a healthy life and improving the welfare of all people of all ages. This event provides education on the effects of stress on diabetes mellitus patients and stress management training. In addition, the event began with Brain Gym to increase focus and concentration and memory of participants as well as a strategy to make the event more exciting and lively. 40 participants who suffer from Diabetes Mellitus with an age range of 44-72 years compactly demonstrate gymnastic movements by having fun together through the video displayed. All participants also actively demonstrated stress management techniques with deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation guided by the facilitator. All participants seemed enthusiastic and excited.

“Have you all ever attended an event like this related to managing stress?”, a question answered compactly by all participants “Never at all, Mom…”. One of the participants also revealed “I came to know other ways to reduce stress besides running hobbies, such as gardening, going to the fields, and so on”. The activity was held on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at the Mojorayung Village Hall, in addition to providing education and training, also presented games and many attractive door prizes, providing leaflets and checking blood sugar, uric acid, cholesterol and blood pressure.