Season’s Greeting Faculty Health of Scieces

Dear Partners and Colleagues

As the 2023 comes to a close, we take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the invaluable partnership and collaboration we’ve shared over the past year.

Our joint efforts have led to significant achievements and milestones, reflecting the strength of our collaboration. We are truly grateful for the collaborative spirit that has defined our partnership. The challenges we’ve faced only strengthened our resolve and deepened our connection.

Looking forward, we are excited about the possibilities that the coming year holds. Together, we can continue to innovate, inspire, and make a positive impact on our shared goals.

Wishing you and your team a joyful holiday season and a well-deserved break. May the New Year bring even greater success and opportunities for our partnership.

Thank you for a remarkable year of collaboration, and we look forward to continuing our journey together in 2024.

Warm regards,

Prof. Dian Handayani, Ph.D
Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences
Universitas Brawijaya
