Title: “Celebrating Triumph: FIKES Students Shine Bright at LP2PKM Universitas Brawijaya with 6 Championship Titles!” 🏆✨

Alhamdulillah! Grateful to Share Wonderful News: FIKES Students Achieve Outstanding Success at LP2PKM Universitas Brawijaya with a Total of 6 CHAMPIONS! 🏆✨

  1. 2nd PLACE in PKM KI (Innovative Work), signifying innovative spirit making positive impacts on society.
  2. 3rd PLACE with remarkable achievements in various fields: A. PKM RSH (Humanities Research) B. PKM PM (Community Service) C. PKM PM (Community Service) D. PKM KI (Innovative Work)
  3. Not to forget, clinching the FAVORITE CHAMPION title in PKM K (Entrepreneurship), showcasing strong entrepreneurial spirit.

We express our gratitude to everyone who supported and motivated us throughout this journey. Let’s continue innovating and contributing together towards a better future! ✨💪